Home URLExtract - introduction

URLExtract - introduction

Let me introduce you urlextract. Small python class/library and command line interface which can be used for collecting (extracting) URLs from given text based on locating TLD.

The latest version can be easily installed using:

pip install urlextract


regex vs urlextract

To write one regular expression that will cover all formats of URL is impossible. For example this regex covers only few cases:


I did not come across any regex that finds URLs which does not have standard schema. And it is pretty hard to create regex that will match domain only. For example: example.com

That was the main reason I’ve created URLExtract. It is able to find and extract URLs, emails or IPv4 addresses with only three lines of code.

from urlextract import URLExtract
extractor = URLExtract()
urls = extractor.find_urls("Text with URLs. Let's have URL janlipovsky.cz as an example.")
print(urls) # prints: ['janlipovsky.cz']

How URLs are found by urlextract?

URLExtract tries to find any occurrence of top level domain (TLD) in given text. List of top level domains is updated and can be synced from IANA. When TLD is found urlextract starts from that position to expand boundaries to both sides searching for “stop character” (usually whitespace, comma, single or double quote).


Let’s imagine that this is our input text with example.com as URL.

URLExtract have list of all TLDs and tries to find any occurrence in text. In our example .com TLD will be matched and its coordinates will be saved.

Then urlextract will start checking characters on left and right side of .com TLD. When the character on left or right is in the list of stop characters urlextract stops expanding on that side, and it marks this position as starting or ending resp.

In our example next character on the right from .com is ' ' (space) which is in the list of right stop characters. URLextract marks this position as end position. However on the left side URLextract goes through the text and checks all characters one by one: e, l, p, m, a, x, e, ' '. Once it hits the space and confirms that it is in the list of left stop characters it marks this position as starting position. Finally, everything in between start and end position is found URL that is returned to user.

Use urlextract in your project

URLExtract is not just a class, it has many more features which I will cover in next posts. In the meantime try to use it in your project. Create an issue if you find any or pick one and help with maintenance.

Thank you and see you around!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.
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